Below is the game Treasure Hunt. It is a Christian conversational game intended to be a catalyst for drawing out practical wisdom and understanding treasures—from the hearts of Christians who enjoy wholesome conversational fun. It is best played in groups of four to ten though it can be played by more than that. If there are more than twelve, the group could divide. Press the button to get a new question:
The recommended way to play is for each person in the group to receive a question. Beginning with any one person, each participant will ask the question he or she received when the button was pushed to another participant. By the time each person in the circle has asked his question, each participant should have also had an opportunity to answer one question. This keeps everyone involved. After the question and answer exchange has gone around the circle once, the process is repeated as many times as the group agrees.
There are no wrong answers. The questions ask for opinion and everyone has a right to their own opinion. After answering the question, the respondent may also give a brief explanation of why or how they arrived at their opinion. The group should remember that each person has an opinion worth hearing.
In many instances participants will learn from the other’s responses. When participants do not agree with responses, they can, nevertheless, better understand the other person—just for having heard the response. In either case, a valuable result is realized.
The game can last whatever length of time seems appropriate. It can be played after dinner at the dinner table, in the living room, den, or even while traveling.
There is no time limit for answers though answers should not be so long that some participants dominate. Limited group discussion of a person’s response is allowed, but so that the game continues to be a catalyst for drawing out treasures in everyone’s hearts, discussions should be limited, moving on to other persons, questions, and responses.
If the person drawing the question does not like the question he drew, he may draw another. If someone prefers to not answer a question, they may ask for another question.
This is just a game. It facilitates wholesome sharing, creative conversation, and the development of mutual understandings. It is not a Bible study nor is it intended for group therapy or a contest in psychoanalysis. It is merely a catalyst for healthy Christian conversation, personal growth, and great Christian fellowship. The treasure is already there.
The Scriptures that are the basis of this game are:
"Love the Lord your God . . . with all your mind." Mathew 22:37
". . . whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8