Pastor Ron Meyers of Empowering Christian Leaders has spent a lifetime cultivating resources to equip others to be more effective in teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here you can find a library of faith-filled seminars on topics such as Christian leadership, pastoral leadership Christian marriage and family, leadership traits from biblical characters, and missiological topics such as the contextualization of The Holy Spirit.   

You may use these materials as teaching materials, adjusting them so that the message becomes alive to your audience in your ministry situation.

Empowering Christian Leaders is a resource for ministers, pastors, missionaries and other Christian leaders


When Christian leaders and pastors are informed and empowered they are at their most effective. Become influential, fruitful and successful in God's eyes.

These free resources from Empowering Christian Leaders are intended to be used as self-paced pastoral training or as formal pastoral training curriculum.

These seminars address a variety of biblical themes that will inform and empower for that success.

If you are a Christian leader, use these materials to edify, encourage, and refresh yourself as well as your fellow ministers.

Empowering Christian Leaders is a resource for ministers, pastors, missionaries and other Christian leaders


These academic and professional materials are resources for Christian missionaries. They will be particularly valuable to those who work in cross-cultural ministry.

Empowering Christian Leaders is a resource for ministers, pastors, missionaries and other Christian leaders


Marriage is God's intended plan for His people to be fruitful and multiple.  A biblical marriage is not without its challenges.

These seminars are for married people, those who are preparing for marriage, and for parents.

May the Lord make our marriages into arenas for personal growth and biblical development. May He also make our families safe and happy havens in which our children receive the affirmation and training they need to grow up to become confident and obedient believers.

Empowering Christian Leaders is a resource for ministers, pastors, missionaries and other Christian leaders


David was described as a man after God's own heart.  But he was not perfect.  His story starts with humble beginnings.  The youngest son, he becomes the chosen King of God's people.  He sins, laments, writes, flees, plots, sings, finds true friendship, and makes dangerous enemies.  What a life!

If you are looking for a Godly example of leadership in the trenches, perhaps there is none better than King David.

Lessons For Leaders From David is a series of 75 lessons from the life of David (I Samuel 16 through I Kings 2: 11)

These biblically rich teachings look closely at aspects of David's life and public service that will be of help to Christian leaders in today's world.

God has been developing leaders since long before the present generation took interest in Leadership Development and Empowerment.

These lessons are used when training pastors and are designed particularly for Christian leaders. I am indebted to Mathew Henry whose materials I researched as part of the preparation of these lessons.

Preparation Years, Lessons 1 - 28

God Directs Samuel to Anoint David I Samuel 16:1-13
Saul's Self-inflicted Fall and David's Rise Through Worship I Samuel 16:14-23
Setting the Stage to Kill a Giant I Samuel 17:1-31
Final Preparations I Samuel 17:32-47
An Uneven Battle I Samuel 17:48-58
The Agitations of Jealousy I Samuel 18:1 – 16
How to Avoid Danger and Obtain Promotion I Samuel 18:17-30
In Open Deadly Persecusion Jonathan Tries to Help I Samuel 18:17-30
Spies, A Romantic Double Agent, and the Outlaw Pursuit I Samuel 19:11-24
Jonathan, the Model Loyal Friend I Samuel 19:11-24
Jonathan Passes Intelligence to David Who Escapes I Samuel 20:24 – 42
David, Though Homeless, A Liar, and a Beggar, is Not Abandoned I Samuel 21:1 – 9
David at Gath, Adullah, Mizpah, and Hereth I Samuel 21:10 – 22:5
David's Sense of Responsibility I Samuel 22:6 – 23
The Value of Direction from God I Samuel 23:1-13
The Value of God's Protection I Samuel 23:14 – 29
Integration of Thought, Action, and Word I Samuel 24:1-22
Samuel, David, Nabal and Abigail I Samuel 25:1-22
Practical Lessons from Domestic Developments I Samuel 25:23-44
The Difficulty of Personal Improvement I Samuel 25:23-44
David Among the Philistines I Samuel 27:1 – 28:4
Lessons from Good Leadership Gone Bad I Samuel 27:1 – 28:4   
Philistine Rulers Become Tools in God's Hand I Samuel 29
How David Handled the Ziklag Crisis I Samuel 30:1-15
Recovery, Statesmanship and Diplomacy I Samuel 30:16-31
How the Mighty Have Fallen I Samuel 30:16-31
True Feelings Shown by Action II Samuel 1:1-16

Success Years, lessons 29 - 42

Difficult Years, lessons 43-73

David Sins with Bathsheba II Samuel 11:1-15
Uncle and Nephew, Partners in Crime II Samuel 11:16-27

God Speaks Again through Nathan II Samuel 12:1-14 
Forgiven, Yet there are Consequences II Samuel 12:15-31

The Tragic and Sad Amnon and Tamar Affair II Samuel 13:1-22

The Tragic & Sad Absalom and Amnon Affair II Samuel 13:23 – 3

Accountability & Character Development II Samuel 14:1-20

The Return of Absalom II Samuel 14:21-33 
The Conspiracy of Absalom II Samuel 15:1-15

A Judicious Retreat and Prudent Planning II Samuel 15:16-37

As David Fled, One Test Failed Another Passed II Samuel 16:1-14

Ahithophel Verses Hushai II Samuel 16:15-17:14

Spies and Supplies II Samuel 17:15-29

The End of Ambitious Absalom II Samuel 18:1-18

Two Runners Two Messages II Samuel 18:19-33

Joab, A Blessing and a Curse II Samuel 19 1-15

Shimei, Abishai, Ziba, and Mephibosheth II Samuel 17:15-29

Farewell Barzillai, Hello Israel II Samuel 19:31-43

Sheba's Rebellion II Samuel 20:1-13

An Example of Wisdom II Samuel 20:14-26

An Old Account is Settled II Samuel 20:14-26

Swords, Quills, and Harps II Samuel 21:15-22:19

Fourteen Reasons to Praise the Lord II Samuel 22:2-51

David's Last Will and Testament II Samuel 23 1-7

Acknowledge the Team II Samuel 23:8-39

Trusting Numbers II Samuel 24:1-14

David Built an Altar II Samuel 24:15-25

Ambitious Adonijah vs. Bathsheba I Kings 1:1-16

Bathsheba Makes and Wins Her Case I Kings 1:17-31

Solomon is made King I Kings 1:32-53
David Passes the Baton I Kings 2:1-11 
Accountability, a Key to Personal Character Development
Three Strengths Three Error

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