Ron Meyers was born in 1944 and raised in a pioneer pastor's home. In July 1965 he began pastoral ministry as a student pastor in a rural community 70 miles from the Bible College he attended in mid-Ohio. From 1996 until 2006 he served as the Professor of Missions and Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Missions program in the School of Theology and Missions of Oral Roberts University. He, with his wife, Char, have served more years outside the US as pastors in Canada and missionaries in Korea, China, and Africa than their years in the US. Since January 2007, Ron and Char have lived in Africa and traveled full-time to African nations Conducting Empower Africa Christian Leadership Conferences. Ron has a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies and Char an Ed.D. The Meyers have two adult sons, one daughter-in-law and eight grandchildren.
Pastor Ron has published the following books
Pastor Ron maintains and active and regular teaching schedule, with 28-30 minute sermon-style teachings.
Some of his most popular playlists include
". . . His willingness to be transparent and vulnerable earned my respect quickly."
"The spirit of prayer that is upon his life was apparent."
"Dr. Meyers was both professional and personal with his students. He modeled what he taught. This class was one of the most spiritually significant among all I have experienced in the Doctorate of ministry program."
"It is a privilege to be a student of Dr. Meyers. This class was guided with expertise in the fields of church planting and church growth. I was challenged, amazed, blessed, and even convicted as I feasted from the teaching of this professor. His heart for church planting and church growth was expressed by his personal experiences . . ."
World evangelism is the great cause to which I have consciously dedicated my life and resources. Anything I can do to further the cause of seeing the world’s people come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior is automatically the high priority. I will go anywhere to lecture, teach, train, or raise up Christian leaders who can further evangelize their people. I seek to put into their hands the tools they need and release them to serve in ways most effective in their own culture. When I cannot personally go, I financially support those who do. I train young missionary and ministry candidates, pouring myself openly and honestly into them in an effort to help them, in their generation improve on the efforts made by missionaries in mine. I seek to be transparent so that they may be prepared for difficulties as well as the opportunities involved in world missions. I also methodically and by name pray daily for nations, national heads, governments, pastors, churches, Christians, and peoples.
I believe that earthly life is merely temporary preparation for the real existence that begins when we depart this tent of clay. When my mind and spirit are free from present physical restrictions, in my new body, I anticipate the fulfillment of my eternal destiny. Holy and lofty opportunities for meaningful service and responsibility await me. At that time, I do not want to regret having missed any opportunity to serve, give, or prepare adequately on earth. I seek to apply now, in this life, the same value system we all will use in the next; to live and serve now so as to have no regrets then.