Leadership Empowerment School of Ministry
Empowering Those who Empower Others with a Knowledge of God and His Ways
The Call of God
Christian ministry has its source in God, and mankind is the instrument that God uses to present His message of love and hope to the world. Humans are God's co-workers.
1. What is the Call of God?
A. It is a call into ministry and service
B. It comes from God not a person -- it is an appeal to your inner being and witnessed to by the Holy Spirit
C. God will equip and provide whatever is needed for you to fulfill the call
D. It will be recognized by the church
2. Biblical examples of God's call and his purposes of these
. The following table gives scripture passages which describe how God called different people to serve Him. Read each of these references, and make a list of everything you learn about God's call. Discuss as a class when you finish.
Call | Scripture | Purpose |
Moses | Exodus 3-4; Acts 7:23-25 | Deliver people |
Gideon | Judges 6:11-25 | Fight a battle |
Jeremiah | Jeremiah 1:4-10; 20:7-11 | Speak His Word |
Jonah | Jonah 1:14 | Preach to a city |
Samuel | 1 Samuel 3 | Be priest / prophet / judge |
David | 1 Samuel 16:1-13 | Become king |
Mary | Luke 1:26-56 | Be the mother of Jesus |
12 disciples | Mark 1:16-20 | Bring men to God |
Paul | Acts 9:1-16; 26:4-23 | Be apostle to Gentiles |
Note: God does not call perfect people. He is pleased to use us as we are.
We can improve as we move forward.
3. How Does One Recognize God's Call?
A. An intense desire -- a desire for ministry that may come and go or be persistent (1 Tim 3:1).
B. Holy Spirit confirms within you
C. God opens the door.
D. Indications or Qualifications -- spiritual, moral, or mental qualities that would aid one in ministry.
E. Approval of those who know you in the church-- pastors, teachers, church leaders, godly friends.
F. Blessing on past and current ministry - fruit.
4. Personal Testimony of God's Call
Teacher give personal testimony of God's call into ministry
Discussion Groups:
- How were you called?
- How did you come to be involved in the ministry you are in now?
- Do you feel you have been called to something you are not yet doing?
Principles of Leadership
Seven Principles of Leadership from 2 Tim 2:1-7
1. Dependence -- Paul tells Timothy to "Be strong in grace" (vs 1)
A leader cannot be strong in grace if he is not committed to the Word of God! Peter said, "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (2 Peter 1:2)
This principle states the more you feed yourself, the stronger you are in grace. If you want to be strong, you have to be strong in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. This is an important principle for preachers who should preach out of strength and out of overflow.
Spend time in the presence of the Lord -- feed yourself and edify yourself -- be strengthened by the Word so when you preach you have something to say. Preaching is not simply sharing or communicating. It is more than eloquence and the arousing of emotion. Preaching is sharing out of your God given overflow into the lives and spirits of other people.
2. Duplication -- Learn to build the leadership in others (vs 2)
Duplication - The law of duplication: "entrust to faithful men. . ."
According to the book of Genesis, the natural order of creation is that living beings reproduce after their own kind. A true leader seeks to duplicate him/herself. Instead of one person standing out and doing everything, the minister should seek to find other people to help so as to minister more effectively.
A word of advice: Always take someone with you when witnessing, evangelizing, or praying for the sick in the hospital. Show them how you do what you do so you can duplicate your ministry.
3. Delegation (2)
Delegation - "teach others also" - vs. 2. Do not attempt to do everything yourself, but learn to delegate. Build a body in which all members work together (Ephesians 4:16).
Good leaders recruit helpers and they spread the vision. They develop others by delegating responsibility to them. The example of Moses is striking (Exodus 18:13-27). He stood alone as judge for the entire nation of Israel. But upon wise counsel he "chose able men out of all Israel, and they judged at all times (18:25-26)."
By delegation, leaders can focus more attention to the specific calling of their ministry, while at the same time increasing their own effectiveness by duplicating themselves.
4. Denial (vs. 3-4)
Like a man enlisted in the army, Paul tells Timothy that the leader is not seeking his/her own desires, but the desires of the one who called him/her to service. A leader will not be effective if he is constantly pursuing his own desires. Leaders must deny themselves. This is a price to pay for building a church; if people feel you do not work, it is difficult to get people to follow you or to respect you.
This principle for leaders means that the leader is there first -- out front -- paying the price and making personal sacrifice. Jesus is the best example of this kind of leadership.
"If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it."
-- Luke 9:23-24
5. Diligence -- The leader must work hard (vs. 5-6)
Paul describes the leader in terms of an athlete and a farmer. An excellent athlete, like a good harvest, are not made overnight. They take months and years of preparation. For the leader this means a constant and steady applying of himself to the ministry in which he has been called. Read the Proverb below. Note that the Bible talks of "the hand of the diligent." It is not the mouth that makes one successful -- it is the hand (i.e. one's actions). Ministers must be more than good preachers. They must be good leaders -- and good leaders are diligent. Despite hardships, they do not give up (unlike those in the church at Laodicea - Revelation 3:16)!
The hand of the diligent will rule, but the slothful will be put to forced labor. -- Proverbs 12:24
6. Dream -- Be a dreamer (vs. 5)
Just as an athlete competes in order to win the prize, so the Christian leader must see the goal or end results of his ministry. But it is not enough simply to see this vision in your mind's eye. The leader must be able to communicate this vision and sell this vision. When followers grasp this vision, they become owners of the vision and it is now their vision. This can cause astounding effects in the kingdom ministry.
Set goals - churches that grow are churches that shoot at targets. They ask questions such as How large? How many people/who can we win? They set a goal, they preach on it, they anticipate it, and they expect it. Learn to set goals. Find out what God wants. Be a dreamer.
If you aim at nothing, you will hit it!
7. Decision – You must compete according to the rules (vs. 5)
A. A minister cannot allow himself to compromise with the world.
B. As a pastor you must separate yourself and learn to accept responsibility.
C. The minister must stand up for what is right regardless of what other people do.
D. The minister must be an example of godliness. The church is not there to serve the minister, the minister is there to serve the church.
Motives for Ministry
1. What is a Motive?
A. Motive means to move – what moves you to do what you do? Why do you do what you do?
1. Inner drive or impulse that causes one to act
2. Incentive for action
3. The "why" or reason of action
4. That which causes one to act or perform in a certain manner.
B. Desire is associated with motive
1. Our desire leads us to do what we do
2. We desire what we believe to be valuable
3. Desire causes us to act
2. Four Motives for Effective and Rewarding Ministry
In Paul's Epistle to the Philippians he shares four motives (reasons) that guided his desires of achievement in the ministry.
A. Paul was motivated by the desire to have Christ exalted at all cost (Philippians 1:12-21)
B. Paul was motivated by the desire to have a Christ-like attitude (Philippians 2:1-5)
C. Paul was motivated by the desire to know Christ -- no matter what the cost (Philippians 3:4-14)
1. Paul's values and priorities changed having met Christ.
2. It is better to have Christ than anything else
D. Paul was motivated by the desire to be content and not complain (Philippians 4:10-13)