After coordinating the MA in Missions program in the Graduate School of Theology and Missions at Oral Roberts University for ten years, Ron and his wife, Char, moved to Africa in January 2007. The Lord has richly blessed these conferences and the schedule is always full. In 2012 the name was changed to "Leadership Empowerment Conferences", the Meyers moved to Israel and added Europe and Asia to their ministry scope.
Leadership Empowerment Conferences address Christian leader’s personal spiritual development, family, and public ministry. Some conducting conferences provide free food, transportation and lodging expenses for conference participants. However, in the years since 2007, we have emphasized that ideas are more valuable than these financial provisions. We have refused to allow money-related provisions to become central in our work. Instead, valuable ministry concepts and ideas are central. We do not give conference attendees money for travel, lodging or food. We pay our own travel expenses and make our conferences available free of charge. We have observed that people will attend a conference if they are convinced it will help them grow and expand their leadership abilities. Using this policy, we have provided a duplicable model—you too can conduct Leadership Empowerment Conferences using the materials on this website. We pass the baton to you.
If you are a leader of pastors or a supervisor of churches and pastors, of course, you may use these ideas yourself to improve your own godly influence in those you lead. But, beyond that, by all means, teach others so that they too, in turn, can expand their spheres of influence. When leaders under you lead more effectively, their success increases and your load becomes lighter. You are also welcome to gather community-wide, inter-church groups and teach these ideas to the other pastors in your community.
Or if you are a leader in a local church, use these materials to train others in your sphere of leadership. Some local church leaders are leaders of followers, but as much as your abilities allow, become a leader of leaders. In this way you can further multiply the influence you exercise in developing workers in the Kingdom of God. If you see someone in your local church who demonstrates an aptitude for leadership, train them, help them grow and let them expand their ministries, too.
We realize that not everyone has a computer or is on the internet and can pick up these materials. If you can access these materials via the Internet, books, audio disks or video DVDs, you may use them freely to develop others. Just as you appreciate the opportunity to help people grow, so will they. If you are accessing these ideas from the website, you are welcome to copy them to your own computer or print them so you may use them easily. These materials are copyrighted to preserve them for you to use.
Make these ideas your own. Try them out in your own personal ministry and relationship with God. As you gain experience with them, they will become part of who you are. Then you will not even need to quote me or this website, rather, you can teach them from out of your own experience. The more these ideas are assimilated into your own life, the more naturally you will be able to share them.
One time Char and I did a series of four Leadership Empowerment Conferences in Zambia. After we left, the young man who had hosted and interpreted for us was criticized by nearby pastors who could not attend those conferences. He solved this problem by promising them that he, himself, would come to their communities and conduct conferences which he did with success. We were pleased that he was given the opportunity to further share what he had learned. Even without attending a live conference, you can read the materials on the Seminar Page or access the audio or video presentations on the Multi-Media Page and do the same as that young man did. If these materials are helpful to you, then use them.
You will make better use of these materials than I can. You know the language, culture and ministry circumstances of the pastors and Christian leaders with whom you work. The way you teach these materials will surely be different than the way I would teach them, but that is as it should be. You are free to adjust the materials to your ministry situation. These ideas are bigger than either you or I. Now it is your turn to share them and let others benefit.
The Holy Spirit will show you how to do this. The ideas on this website are my gift to you.
Ron Meyers
Session 1 - Seven Principles of Christian Ministry
A teaching on Christian leadership, human needs, and how God answers prayer better than we can pray
Session 2 - The Power and Danger of Prayer
A teaching about how prayer is most effective and productive when we pray according to God’s agenda, not ours
Session 3 - Philosophy of Christian Education
How to identify and confront contemporary non-Christian worldviews with biblical truth
Session 4 - Bible Study as Preparation for Teaching and Preaching, Part One How to dig for diamonds in the Word of God as preparation for better preaching/teaching
Session 5 - Intimacy with the Heavenly Father
A teaching about the confidence and strength Christian leaders enjoy through intimacy with Abba Father
Session 1 - Bible Study as Preparation for Teaching and Preaching, Part Two How to dig for diamonds in the Word of God as preparation for better preaching/teaching
Session 2 - How to Grow in Character as you Marriage Grows, Part One Instructions for husbands and wives based on the Bible, experience, and contemporary literature
Session 3 - How to Grow in Character as your Marriage Grows, Part Two Instructions for husbands and wives based on the Bible, experience, and contemporary literature
Session 4 - How to Raise Confident Children Instructions for parents about how to create a stimulating atmosphere in which confident children can develop
Session 5 - How to Raise Obedient Children
Instructions for parents about how to lovingly, yet firmly, train and discipline children so they grow up to be good citizens and Christians
Session 1 - Bible Study as Preparation for Teaching and Preaching, Part Three How to dig for diamonds in the Word of God as preparation for better preaching/teaching
Session 2 - How to do the Impossible. A twelve-part teaching to assist the Christian leader avoid both timidity on one hand and presumption on the other
Session 3 - Where are the Elijahs? A ten-part teaching on Elijah, instructing Christian leaders today about how to influence their generation as Elijah did his
Session 4 - Structure and Delivery of Strong Biblical Sermons Practical instructions about how to organize material and present it attractively, persuasively, and powerfully
Session 5 - Discussion. In this unstructured session, comments, questions, and responses will help each participant better understand and apply what he or she has learned during the conference
9:00 - 10:00 AM - Session One
10:10 - 11:10 - Session Two
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM - Session Three
Lunch Break
1:50 - 2:50 PM - Session Four
3:00 - 4:00 PM - Session Five
8:00 - 9:00 AM - Session One
9:10 - 10:10 AM - Session Two
10:20 - 11:20 AM - Session Three
11:30 - 12:30 PM - Session Four
12:40 - 1:40 PM - Session Five
Conferences can also be scheduled for three sessions per morning or evening for five days or for four hours per day for four days.